We give 100% of proceeds to the musicians. So, rest assured that the money spent on tickets funds musicians playing their hearts out - not our family's love of Taqueria burritos. 

If you decide you want to join the crowd, please contact us to purchase a ticket. We ask that you pay with cash or check, and the money can be mailed to or dropped off at the Billsville West address. In the past, audience members have gotten creative with their ticket purchases.  

We have some great shows right around the corner! Don't forget to BYOB, it doubles as a great seat saver which fill up fast!

We are decidedly lo-fi by choice. Tickets are purchased by slipping cash/check through the mail slot at 1014 Alvarado Terrace. Folks coming from out of town can email us and let us know the check is in the mail to make sure they get spots! Let us know if you have any questions!

Contact us here: billsvillewest@gmail.com